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differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage

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differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage Empty differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage

Post  aashaya m Mon Nov 14, 2011 12:51 pm

1.what are the differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage ?

2.How can we construct spatial data warehouse? describe types of dimension and types of measures for creating spatial data

aashaya m

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Join date : 2011-04-25

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differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage Empty Re: differences between the three main types of data warehouse usage

Post  ngalemmo Mon Nov 14, 2011 1:28 pm

1: What are the three main types of data warehouse usage?

2: A spatial DW is one that contains spatial data (among whatever else is appropriate). And when you consider a DW has a fairly wide scope, it is difficult to consider it exclusively 'spatial'. 'spatial DW' is more a marketing term from vendors who support spatial data. Spatial data are simply additional attributes that provide spatial context to measures.

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