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Where should I store targets tolerances

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Where should I store targets tolerances Empty Where should I store targets tolerances

Post  Vishy Wed Mar 14, 2012 1:23 am


I have to design solution for a bank so that its peformance can be monitored, I have different KPIs and KPIs are same for different countries but there targets value and tolerances value could be different.

I have this

Country DIM, KPI DIM, Time Dim, fact table.

My fact tables have [ country_SK,KPI_SK,Time_SK,KPI ACTUAL VALUE ]

Where should I store target value and tolerance values which are different for each country?


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Location : India

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Where should I store targets tolerances Empty Re: Where should I store targets tolerances

Post  ngalemmo Wed Mar 14, 2012 2:10 am

Store them in one or more different fact tables with appropriate dimensionality. Incorporate them in queries when needed.

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Where should I store targets tolerances Empty Re: Where should I store targets tolerances

Post  Vishy Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:36 am

So there are 2 approaches

1) Put Target and tolerances in the same fact as I mentioned earlier as it has country_SK as well as KPI_Sk and Time too.

2) Create a separate table where I store Surrogate_KEY,CountryID (NK),KPI (NK), TargetValue,ToleranceValue and then put this Surrogate_KEY in to the earlier mentioned fact table.

Also provide view of this to repot developers like - Surrogate key,Target,Tolerances


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Location : India

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Where should I store targets tolerances Empty Re: Where should I store targets tolerances

Post  hkandpal Wed Mar 14, 2012 9:27 am


is your tolerance value changing every month, if not then you can add it in the country dimension.



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Where should I store targets tolerances Empty Re: Where should I store targets tolerances

Post  Vishy Thu Mar 15, 2012 2:11 am

can not take anything to country as country has many many KPIs, I have taken 2nd approach.


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Location : India

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Where should I store targets tolerances Empty Re: Where should I store targets tolerances

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