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simple web based reporting

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simple web based reporting Empty simple web based reporting

Post  JamesSmith Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:37 pm

I’m looking for a simple web based tool that can be used to generate tabular reports. Our application has a SQL Server database for each customer with different views that would be exposed to this tool. Customers would need to be able to:
choose from predetermined parameters we will build for the different views
select fields to display
filter and sort each column (Excel style)
save these options as custom named reports

So we’re not looking for a full BI tool with charts and graphs and such. It just needs to be web based running on Windows and Mac so we can integrate it with our existing web app. The tools I’ve seen so far seem to be more expensive full BI suites. We would need something with a flat fee we can use for as many customers as we like.

Can anyone point me in a direction for something like that?

If you know of a simple SSAS cube web based client that would be helpful as well. The requirements would be similar except that we would want drag and drop to columns and rows, but again no charts and graphs required.



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Join date : 2013-04-14

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simple web based reporting Empty Re: simple web based reporting

Post  VHF Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:24 am

Oh boy, a simple web-based ad hoc reporting tool that would easily integrate with an existing web application. Lots of expensive BI suites out there, but can't think of anything of anything simple and inexpensive.

Business Objects Web Intelligence (WebI) is fantastic for web-based ad-hoc reporting, but certainly not inexpensive.

Excel is the least expensive and most redily available client for SSAS, but that's not web based.

You might need to develop something custom to get just what you want, especially if don't want to pay per-user licensing fees.


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Location : Wisconsin, US

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simple web based reporting Empty Re: simple web based reporting

Post  Mike Honey Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:28 am

Excel is the least expensive and most redily available client for SSAS, but that's not web based.

Actually Excel Web has been available since SharePoint 2010. SharePoint 2013 adds more interactivity to the web UI, and extends to Firefox, Safari, iOS & Surface devices.

Mike Honey
Mike Honey

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Join date : 2010-08-04
Location : Melbourne, Australia

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