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2014 Business Intelligence Perspectives

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2014 Business Intelligence Perspectives  Empty 2014 Business Intelligence Perspectives

Post  mattAda Wed Jan 29, 2014 10:23 am

These days anyone working with data understands that business intelligence (BI) and analytics are becoming an increasingly important aspect of day to day business processes. Innovation in both BI and data analytic tools will be a large theme in 2014 as they move away from traditional purpose-built servers and start incorporating social, cloud, application and mobile data.

We will begin to see BI move away from only the data scientist and IT department, and into the hands of the manager, executive and business professional. BI and analytic tools will become increasingly intuitive allowing for a wider range of use in the enterprise and for more employees to make sense of enterprise data.

Follow the like to read the full piece on 2014 BI Perspectives.


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Join date : 2013-07-11
Location : Boston, Ma

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