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Building and Updating Time-Variant Bridge Table

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Building and Updating Time-Variant Bridge Table Empty Building and Updating Time-Variant Bridge Table

Post  Bigguy365 Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:39 am

Warren Thornthwaite “Design Tip #142 Building Bridges” article demostrated the creation of a simple static bridge table to reduce the number of entries in the bridge table by identifying the distinct combinations of natural key present and assigning each combination a group key.  His article also indicated and I quote "this approach can be extended to support the more complex time-variant bridge table".  I currently have a requirement that would require a time-variant bridge table that is pointing to a dimension that contains type 2 columns.  Are there resources available that can guide me with the design and implementation to address this complex task?

Thanks you,



Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-02-24
Age : 75
Location : Melbourne, Florida

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