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Time and Labour Productivity Analysis - Dimensional Design Needed

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Time and Labour Productivity Analysis - Dimensional Design Needed Empty Time and Labour Productivity Analysis - Dimensional Design Needed

Post  rajkumar_n Thu Oct 30, 2014 2:03 pm

I have a table which holds employee log-in and log-out time and have transaction table which keep all the transactions what they made with respective time. Transactions can been made during office hours say(9 AM to 6 PM) can be named as working hours and after 6 PM can be marked as non-working hours.

I have following dimension/Fact tables

Employee Table - Holds Employee Detail like Name, Ph, ID, Email, State
Employee Access Table - Holds History of Login/Logout
Employee Holiday Table - Holds Employee Vacation Schedule
Holiday Table - Holds data with respective to state where employee located.
Transaction Table - Holds transactions what he made during time period.

I want to calculate how many transactions have been made during working hours and non-working hours.

How can I design a dimensional model based on the above requirement.?

Please help me here.



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