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Stuck with Stored Procedures

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Stuck with Stored Procedures Empty Stuck with Stored Procedures

Post  grinnell Wed Nov 18, 2015 5:47 pm


I have two data sources which will ONLY allow me to access their data via stored procedures. What's worse, these stored procedures return results based on a single ID passed in rather than as a set. In addition, they do not have any dates or times data was last updated that are exposed to me as a consumer. Therefore, I pretty much have to pass in all my IDs to return every single record they have in order to cross-reference that with my warehouse data to see if I need to update anything. As the data grows on my end this is becoming more and more difficult. I can only assume that others have encountered this issue and if so how did you solve it? Just make more and more calls to the source database via stored procedure?

Thank you kindly for the thoughts.



Posts : 1
Join date : 2015-11-18

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Stuck with Stored Procedures Empty Re: Stuck with Stored Procedures

Post  ngalemmo Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:32 am

You basically have the wrong architecture for what you want to do. Other than changing the interface (providing one that returns sets) there isn't much you can do other than what you are doing now. It is not very efficient. See if the data provider is willing to develop new interfaces.

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Stuck with Stored Procedures Empty Re: Stuck with Stored Procedures

Post  BoxesAndLines Thu Nov 19, 2015 8:59 am

Idiomatically speaking, you're preaching to the choir. If sensible people won't do sensible things, then you're stuck doing what you're doing.

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