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data warehouse and data warehouse system

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data warehouse and data warehouse system Empty data warehouse and data warehouse system

Post  nickall Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:36 am

I'm a little confused.
Can somebody clarify the difference between a data warehouse and a data warehouse system please?

Can i interchange those 2 terms?

tnx a lot!



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data warehouse and data warehouse system Empty Re: data warehouse and data warehouse system

Post  ngalemmo Fri Jul 09, 2010 11:13 am

There is no absolute here, particulary when marketing is involved... But, to me, if someone talked about a data warehouse, I would think of it as the data repository itself. While, if they referred to a data warehouse system, they would be referring to the data warehouse as well as all the processes associated with it (ETL, BI layer etc...).

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