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How to include an image in your post

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How to include an image in your post Empty How to include an image in your post

Post  Admin Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:12 pm

If you'd like to include an image in your post, a screen capture of a table, or data rows, for example, here's how to do it. Since you can't upload images directly to the forum, so you have to host your images somewhere else.

It turns out there are lots of sites out there created to meet this exact need. I put the following image on All you do is go to the website, upload your image, and paste the resulting links into your posts as needed. If someone clicks on the image, it takes them to the host website which then can show them an ad. There is no such thing as a free lunch.

Here is the image based on the Thumbnail code for most forums:
How to include an image in your post Th.a2a36b8f06

Here's the whole image (note that it got clipped to fit the forum):
How to include an image in your post A2a36b8f06


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Join date : 2008-08-18
Location : Eden Prairie, MN

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