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scd type 2 in bridge tables

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scd type 2 in bridge tables Empty scd type 2 in bridge tables

Post  sgudavalli Tue May 22, 2012 3:05 am


I am having 2 different dimension tables in my design i.e.. policy & claims...
now i am creating a bridge (as it is many to many) to hold the associations of each claim to its corresponding policy...
i want to track all the historical changes that do happen in these 3 tables..

to do so; i added surrogates to policy and claim table.. with startdate; enddate and currentflag which helps to track down the history.
now i m stuck up with bridges... my question is do i really need to version my association if there is an update on either of these 2 dimensions..

i m thinking of following design options on my bridge..


table: policyclaimversionId | policynumber | claimnumber | startdate | enddate | currentflag
table: policyclaimversionId | policyversionid | claimversionId | startdate | enddate | currentflag

PK: policyclaimversionId

in this option; i will not create a record unless the association is changed in the bridge..


table: policyversion | claimversionId | startdate | enddate | currentflag
PK: policyversion | claimversionId

in this option; i will reate a record in the bridge even if there is an update on the policy or the claim

i m actually creating a cube out of the above design.. plz suggest.....



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Age : 40
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