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How to handle parent child dimensions with SCDs

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How to handle parent child dimensions with SCDs  Empty How to handle parent child dimensions with SCDs

Post  VJ09 Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:47 pm

I am having hard time to model a parent-child dimension which is a type 2 scd.

I have dimensions Employee, Position, Department, Company. The employee is related to the other three dimensions in a many to one fashion.

An employee can only have one position, belong to one department and one company. All the relations should be captured as type2 with a startdate and enddate for the employee_position, employee_department, employee_company.

What I did was I made a DimEmployee table (HRID as pk) with all the personal details of employee (about 40 columns). Then I had a DimEmployee_association table (EmpID as pk, HRID as fk) with employeeposition, emp_positionstartdate, emp_positionenddate, departmentname, emp_departmentstartdate, emp_departmentenddate, companyname, emp_companystartdate, emp_companyenddate.
I used the EmpID to connect to the fact table (I know its a snow flake but I feel this might be needed in this scenario)

Please tell me if this works and it is OK to put all those type 2 SCDs like this in the same dimEmp_assosciation table?

The bigger question is how to make this employee_position as a parent-child dimenison. I am thinking of having a parent_EmpID that self refrences to the EmpID in the DimEmp_association table but I feel that might become a problem.. I am not even sure if I am in the right direction.

kindly help me with this...!


Posts : 11
Join date : 2012-07-02

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