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Many cases for each Fact

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Many cases for each Fact Empty Many cases for each Fact

Post  bajopalabra Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:05 am

I'm trying to do an education model
Each Student has one record (fact) for each Course (with only semi-additives, by now)

The issue is that each Course is teached by one or more Teachers

when the user (an academic authority) would query "by Course", they should get the same results for every teacher
like a 1 to many relationship...

I think I could make a junk dim with each "teacher staff", concatenating them by "," ( loosing this way quality attributes like age, etc )
I could repeat each fact several times, one for each Teacher ( which would increase an average of 3 times the space needed for the data )

Is there another possibility?



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Age : 50

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Many cases for each Fact Empty Re: Many cases for each Fact

Post  murugan2012 Fri Aug 24, 2012 11:55 am

you can construct student, cource, teacher dimensions along with the bridge dimension of student-course, course-teacher to resolve the many-many relationship to handle this.


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Many cases for each Fact Empty Re: Many cases for each Fact

Post  bajopalabra Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:00 pm

ok, I didn't know about bridge dimensions, I'm going to read about it right now, thanks


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Age : 50

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Many cases for each Fact Empty Re: Many cases for each Fact

Post  bajopalabra Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:10 pm

I wonder if "bridge tables" doesn't break the star schema... does it?


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Join date : 2012-08-24
Age : 50

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Many cases for each Fact Empty Re: Many cases for each Fact

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