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Datawarehousing and BI LaboratORY set UP FOR ACADEMICS NEED HELP

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Datawarehousing  and BI LaboratORY set UP FOR ACADEMICS NEED HELP Empty Datawarehousing and BI LaboratORY set UP FOR ACADEMICS NEED HELP

Post Wed May 29, 2013 1:27 pm


I am given huge assignment to establish a lab for our EDUCATION SECTOR.We are planning to set up a datawarehotuse and BI lab and am asked to come

up with various aspects of setting up a BI lab.

What are the parameters i need to consider interms of IT INFRASTRUCTURE (SOFTWARE /HARDWARE REQUIREMENT) FOR R&D AND TRAINING PURPOSE.

and please let me what all are the parameters i must be looking for to set up a lab.

I need to prepare a estimate and give the hardware /software requirement etc to the management.

I reuest you to kindly let me know the product costs for bi and datawarehouse (contrast of various products)


Posts : 1
Join date : 2013-05-29

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