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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  DomCotton Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:18 am


Firstly please excuse me being new to Data Warehousing, my terminologies are maybe not 100%!

I have built a data warehouse mostly from self taught forums, questions, books, etc.  I started with my data modelling.  I built a reasonable environment (in my opinion) but after it was put live, i started to receive many request for additional attributes within dimensions.  I am struggling to know how to handle this in my live environment.  What I currently do is add the atributes (or additional snowflaked dimensions) to my model, then i rebuild the dimension, after which my primary keys (which i auto generate) change.  This forces me to perform a full drop and reload of all my facts that are linked to these affected dimensions.  The reason i have to do this is becuase when i perform my lookups for keys on the dimensions, i drop the business key from my flow and don't store it in my fact table.

One idea i had was to keep the business keys in the fact tables next to the joined keys but suppress them in a view in my source DB.  This way i could run a series of update scripts to refresh the keys.  Is this approach common?  Is there a better way?  Am I looking at this totally the wrong way?

I am not sure if this is the right topic to post into, so please move it if necessary.

Thanks in advance,


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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  ngalemmo Tue Oct 01, 2013 12:01 pm

Dimension surrogate primary keys should never change. A process that requires fact table keys to be reassigned is not sustainable.

You need to rethink how you maintain dimension tables.

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  DomCotton Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:02 am


Thanks for responding. Is anybody able to direct me to a "best practice" or some other examples of how to achieve what i need to?

My understanding is that as my business key is alphanumeric i generate a surrogate using an SQL Server identity column - this is my problem as i cannot guarantee the sequence that is generated each time i have to drop and reload.

So... is it the dropping and reloading that is causing me the problem? or should i generate a surrogate key a different way ensuring it gets the same key after any necessary rebuild?

Hoping somebody can direct me



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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  BoxesAndLines Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:01 am

ETL Toolkit. Read the whole book. It's filled with answers to these types of questions.

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  ngalemmo Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:23 am

And yes, the dropping and rebuilding is causing the problem.

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  DomCotton Wed Oct 02, 2013 10:02 am

Thanks, i will check out that book.

I have been thinking about this and had a question, maybe its dumb but i will ask it anyway

Would it work do you think to have an intermediate dimension table that links to my fact that has a surrogate key, business key, and then a dimension key - so something like this:

Fact______Intermediate Dimension______Real Dimension
.          businessKey
.         pkRealDim------------------>pkRealDim
.                                     businessKey
.                                     Attribute 1
.                                     Attribute 2
.                                     etc

In my mind this means that I can drop and reload the "real" dimension when i need to add new attributes, etc but it leaves the pkDim link from fact to Intermediate Dimension intact?



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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  ngalemmo Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:36 am

No. Your primary objective should be to allow queries to be as simple as possible. The approach goes in the wrong direction. Why not simply do a proper update process for your dimensions?

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  DomCotton Wed Oct 02, 2013 11:49 am


I thought that in my example the intelligence would be hidden within the DSV and the Dimension would present the same attributes as it does now, with the only difference being that the fact table would always hold the same primary key? Anyway was just a thought...

Regarding the proper update process for my dimensions... sort of what i'm looking for as I don't know how to achieve that.

I guess I will have to buy that book and get reading!

Thanks for everybody's time.


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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  ngalemmo Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:59 pm

A dimension table has two keys: the surrogate primary key and the business key.  The latter serves as an alternate key and is used when applying updates.  So... with the business key from your source, update columns in the dimension table using that key.  If a row with that key does not exist, create a new one.

Use ALTER TABLE to add new columns, and modify your update process to accommodate them. As you are using SQL Server, I believe SSIS has wizards to implement dimension table update processes.

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  DomCotton Thu Oct 03, 2013 4:09 am


So one last question, i have a couple of larger dimensions where i am using CDC (my source has a date/time last updated). So in my dimension build i only take the newest rows to update each time its run. So if i want to add new fields, i have to fully read the source table again. This is sort of where i am getting confused.

Would it be best to write a specific update process script when adding new fields/attributes, i.e. alter table, read everything from source system (regardless of last updated date), then update rows with new information. This would preserve the existing key on the fact table?

Many thanks again,


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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  ngalemmo Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:36 pm

You shouldn't add columns in a piecemeal fashion. It's really inefficient. Get everything that makes sense the first time through.

If you have an existing, proper, update process, when you add a new column you modify that code to maintain those columns. There is no need for 'special' code. Just extract everything and run it through... its a one-time hit.

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Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table Empty Re: Rebuilding Dimension, effect on fact table

Post  skinpenthar Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:57 am

Your primary objective should be to allow queries to be as simple as possible. The approach goes in the wrong direction. Why not simply do a proper update process for your dimensions???

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