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hierarchical or parent child dimension?

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hierarchical or parent child dimension? Empty hierarchical or parent child dimension?

Post  saqib4u Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:05 pm

The data I m dealing with is structured as follow.
A customer has many stores and each store has a POSSystem.
So now when I create Dimensions, will I create as:

TableName                       Cols
DimCustomer                   CustKey
DimStores                        StoreKey, CustKey
DimPOS                           POSKey, StoreKey, CustKey

Are these Hierarchical or Parent Child?

Now when I will create Fact table, will I have:

TableName                       Cols
Sample1: DimFactPOS       CustKey,POSKey,StoreKey, #trans
Sample2: DimFactPOS            POSKey, #trans

If I do sample1, then why do I StoreKey, CustKey in DimPOS?


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Join date : 2015-04-16

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hierarchical or parent child dimension? Empty Re: hierarchical or parent child dimension?

Post  nick_white Fri Apr 17, 2015 7:43 am

Hi - it is normal practice to relate your Dims via the Fact table not directly. So each Dim has a single column as it's key and your fact table would have individual keys for Customer, Store and POS e.g.
TableName Cols
DimCustomer CustKey
DimStores StoreKey

TableName Cols
DimFactPOS CustKey,POSKey,StoreKey, #trans


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hierarchical or parent child dimension? Empty Re: hierarchical or parent child dimension?

Post  saqib4u Fri Apr 17, 2015 8:05 am

Thanks nick for quick reply.
What you saying is there wont be relationship between Dimension tables.
We wont be creating any creating parent/child or hierarchical relationships via Dims.

We will be creating relationships via Fact tables. Is there any name for this methodology?

Now when we query fact table, How would I start my query?

select sum(#trans) from FactPOS f
inner join DimCustomer c on f.CustKey = c.CustKey
inner join DimStore s on f.StoreKey = c.StoreKey
inner join DimPOS p on f.POSKey = c.POSKey
where c.Name = 'Bakery1'


Posts : 2
Join date : 2015-04-16

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hierarchical or parent child dimension? Empty Re: hierarchical or parent child dimension?

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