Need help designing this star for education sector/university
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Need help designing this star for education sector/university
I am new to Dimension Modeling and I am working on doing a dimension model for a university. The current business process that I have picked up is actually sales/revenue. I have been reading different chapters of different books and although I think I have a good understanding of facts and dimensions I am having some tough time fitting the sales process on to the paper.
Ideally the sales process in the school is similar to other businesses where students are customers and the product is the "courses" they take. However in certain situation there are different product types and I don't know how to fit the product type. For example student pays an Application fee, late fee or transcript request fee which is not associated with any course. How do I fit these different type of revenue streams in my star?
What I have done so far is like this
Now for certain type of products (e.g. a transcript request fee) - I do not have the coursename,code, year term,session -- I am struggling how this will work.
Anyone has any input on this? or any helpful material/schema examples will appreciate them
Ideally the sales process in the school is similar to other businesses where students are customers and the product is the "courses" they take. However in certain situation there are different product types and I don't know how to fit the product type. For example student pays an Application fee, late fee or transcript request fee which is not associated with any course. How do I fit these different type of revenue streams in my star?
What I have done so far is like this
- Code:
Now for certain type of products (e.g. a transcript request fee) - I do not have the coursename,code, year term,session -- I am struggling how this will work.
Anyone has any input on this? or any helpful material/schema examples will appreciate them
inventivethinking- Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-08-19
Re: Need help designing this star for education sector/university
If student pays an Application fee, late fee or transcript request fee then it is for a course rt?
ONE Course ID -> Many FEE types
Please correct me if i misunderstood?
ONE Course ID -> Many FEE types
Please correct me if i misunderstood?
rkraj- Posts : 12
Join date : 2012-06-29
Re: Need help designing this star for education sector/university
rkraj wrote:If student pays an Application fee, late fee or transcript request fee then it is for a course rt?
ONE Course ID -> Many FEE types
Please correct me if i misunderstood?
Actually no, there are many types of fee which are not associated with any courses. Think of it similar to a company which provides products and services. So the product attributes are totally different from service attributes. How do you accomodate it?
inventivethinking- Posts : 3
Join date : 2014-08-19
Re: Need help designing this star for education sector/university
The simplest is to have a wide dimension table with attributes populated as needed depending on the type of product. Some attributes would be common to all types, such a product ID, name and product type. Given the nature of the subject matter (i.e. its a small dimension), there is no reason to do anything more.
Re: Need help designing this star for education sector/university
If there is no relationship between COURSE and FEE then we can't fit it...
What i am seeing is...
You can create a FACT table with Just
and generate the revenue out of different types of FEE_type for particular Student/customer.
What i am seeing is...
You can create a FACT table with Just
and generate the revenue out of different types of FEE_type for particular Student/customer.
rkraj- Posts : 12
Join date : 2012-06-29
Re: Need help designing this star for education sector/university
Anyone has any input on this? or any helpful material/schema examples will appreciate them
Andersan- Posts : 1
Join date : 2014-11-04
Re: Need help designing this star for education sector/university
After re-reading this, the advice I gave was pretty bad…
If I was to model this I would be considering the following dimensions:
Fee Type
Course/Section (with allowance for a non-specific course as is the case with full-time tuition and general fees)
Generally in universities, revenue recognition is handled differently between the colleges and outreach programs (such as extensions). Colleges are usually measured by enrollment (FTE) with a standard $ per FTE value, while outreach programs look at revenue per course. Enrollment would be tracked by another fact table that would include semester/session and course/section as conforming dimensions.
If I was to model this I would be considering the following dimensions:
Fee Type
Course/Section (with allowance for a non-specific course as is the case with full-time tuition and general fees)
Generally in universities, revenue recognition is handled differently between the colleges and outreach programs (such as extensions). Colleges are usually measured by enrollment (FTE) with a standard $ per FTE value, while outreach programs look at revenue per course. Enrollment would be tracked by another fact table that would include semester/session and course/section as conforming dimensions.
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