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Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor

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Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor Empty Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor

Post  juanvg1972 Tue Jun 09, 2015 5:06 pm


I would like to know what are the advantages and disadvantages of Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor.

I have 2 options:

1) Megavendor with a whole B.I. suite. It can be, for example: Oracle, IBM, SAP or Microsoftr
2) Some independent and specialized vendors. For example:
powercenter(ETL) + teradata(DWH) + microstrategy(reports/olap/dashboard) + SAS (data mining)

Advantages, disadvanteges and important considartions:

-if you choose option 2) yoy have a very specialised solution for each B.I. layer, it shoukld be better than the correspondent layer of the option 1) B.I. suite

- In option1 the support in more centralized

- if you consider SAAS in the future is better option1) in the option2) you would have a complex SAAS solution

- If you choose option1 the solution sholud be more integrated. I mean integartion between BI layers.

Antything else? any other important questions?, I am sure therra things missing in my list.....Can you help me?

Thanks in advance


Posts : 25
Join date : 2015-05-05

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Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor Empty Re: Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor

Post  ngalemmo Tue Jun 09, 2015 6:34 pm

Generally the 'suites' are not really integrated environments. They have evolved over time by aquisition of disparate products that the vendor has attempted to stitch together into what they would like you to think is an integrated environment (example SAP acquiring Business Objects and IBM acquiring Data Stage). Microsoft is probably the closest to a true integrated suite but you are limited to SQL Server based systems. If you are committed to SQL Server, what Microsoft offers can't be beat for the price and is generally strong in a lot of areas.

I personally draw the line between ETL and BI. Other than Microsoft, none of the other vendors do a good job on both sides. Their BI offering is strong but ETL is weak or visa-versa. Also the selection process is completely different. ETL tools are used internally by IT and they should drive the selection of such a tool. BI on the other hand is used by the business, so they should be the primary evaluators of those tools. Finding a suite that satisfies both audiences means a lot of compromise for not a lot of benefit.

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Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor Empty Re: Choosing BI megavendor or some independent specialized vendor

Post  juanvg1972 Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:20 am

Thanks ngalemmo, very usefull your answer

I want to make you a new related question.
I heard and read a lot of posts and articles about cloud B.I. working SAAS.

But I find very difficult to go to cloud with this situaruion:

powercenter(ETL) + teradata(DWH) + microstrategy(reports/olap/dashboard) + SAS (data mining)

In this case, there are 4 softwares of diferent companies involved, żis possiblo to go to cloud SAAS in this situation?

Thanks in advance


Posts : 25
Join date : 2015-05-05

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